Just see what Invisalign® can do for you!
You may love the idea of having straight, even teeth, but not the idea of wearing metal braces!
Invisalign® clear braces are the non-metal alternatives to traditional braces, with no uncomfortable brackets or wires. Virtually invisible, they do not attract attention. What people will see is your smile, and only your smile.

In both clinical research and in orthodontic practices nationwide, Invisalign® has been proven effective at straightening teeth. Though treatment takes about the same length of time as traditional braces, it is a far more pleasant experience.
If you are considering Invisalign® clear braces, call Dr. Alla Dorfman at Tribeca Dental Care for your Free Consultation, with no obligation. Dr. Dorfman is a leading Invisalign® dentist in the area and has successfully completed over 1500 cases. Your future can include beautiful, straight teeth, without the necessity of wearing uncomfortable, and even painful, metal braces.
Schedule a Free Invisalign Consultation
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