
Bright Smile

Gum Contouring

There are many dental situations that don’t have severe health consequences, but may make your smile less appealing than it could be. People with a “gummy smile,” where excessive soft tissue makes teeth seem shorter, often pursue gum contouring to help.

Although the procedure is purely for looks, only an expert cosmetic dentist should perform it. When world-class standards of cosmetic dentistry are followed, healing occurs more quickly.

How long does healing take and what can you expect? Let’s get the facts!

Laser Gum Contouring Means Faster Recovery

Laser dentistry has transformed the way cosmetic and general dental procedures are done. Lasers are far more precise than the sharpest medical scalpel, so they make incredibly accurate incisions. This reduces inflammation and makes healing easier.

Used correctly, advanced medical lasers may have the effect of cauterizing their own incisions. This makes infection less likely – and since infection is one of the persistent risks of many procedures, it facilitates great post-operative health.

Still, there’ll be a recovery period for even a totally flawless procedure.

Laser Gum Contouring Recovery in a Nutshell

If only a little bit of tissue was removed during your procedure, the total healing process could take as little as a few days. If extensive tissue removal was necessary, it may take up to a full month to heal completely.

During recovery, it’s important to take steps to protect your teeth and gums:

  • Avoid aspirin, which can cause bleeding – Tylenol or Advil are usually okay.
  • Enjoy soft, cool foods like eggs, yogurt, or cheese for 3-5 days after surgery.
  • Brush your teeth as directed by your dentist until full healing takes place.

In most cases, recovery does not take long, and discomfort is minor. There may be some swelling in the gum tissue in the early days after surgery. After a week, you will have a much better idea how your smile will ultimately look.

For Gum Contouring in NYC, Tribeca Dental Care is the Leader

A healthy amount of gum tissue is vital for supporting your teeth and providing adequate blood flow. Here at Tribeca Dental Care, we consult with you before any procedure to make sure gum contouring will meet your dental health needs while getting the desired look you want.

Laser technology means it’s easier than ever to enjoy the benefits of gum contouring. To find out more, call us: (212) 431-4582. We look forward to helping you!

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