
These days, dental offices are competing on a whole new level.  No longer do you need to search for pain free dentistry, and no longer is a visit to your dentist a cringe-worthy affair.  In fact, today’s dentist doctors are really stepping up the dental game, with services that may surprise you, in offices that are luxurious, compared to the laboratory horror stories from days of old.  The fact is, that today’s dental technology allows for fillings, crowns, and even extractions to be performed quickly and painlessly, in a comfortable setting.  You may even be surprised at the “menu” of services offered by your childrens dentist, never mind the array of adult dentistry options that exist to beautify your smile.

Modelling the trends that have always been more typical of southern-based dental practices, it’s not uncommon to Google the words dental spa and see the results that explode across your computer screen.  There are nearby offices to accommodate both the necessary and elective restorative options for your mouth.  And childrens dentists are just as eager to please, offering advances in dentistry for children, from appliances to discourage thumb sucking, to invisible braces for children and teens.  

Gone are the uninviting and utilitarian dentistry of yesterday.  Today’s dentist doctor offers services in calm and comfortable, aesthetically pleasing offices that encourage patients to relax and stay awhile.  And why wouldn’t you?  Take some time and browse the before and after work of your current dentist doctor.  You may be pleasantly surprised at the effects that in-office whitening can give you.  You’ll be even happier to know that amazing results can be achieved in one visit, and that the effects of professional whitening can last indefinitely.  

Did you know that you can receive a facial from your dentist?  Dentists are the top professionals of the bone, teeth, musculature, and dermatology of the head, neck, and decolletage.  Many of them have undergone additional training with the Academy of Facial Aesthetics to bring expanded services to their patients, including facial peels, daily prescription-strength skin regimens, and professional application of topical medical grade serums that smooth, soften, and restore a youthful glow to your appearance.  

But why stop there?  If you’re considering Botox or Dermal Fillers to eliminate those smile lines, deep smoker’s grooves, or forehead creases, you may want to skip the plastic surgeon and visit your dentist doctor.  In a fifteen minute visit, you can receive a professional Botox session, with results that last from three to six months.  And if you’re looking to refine and re contour your face, your dentist may be certified to provide Dermal Fillers, which can shave years off your visage in minutes.  Even better, recent studies show that Botox is being used to effectively provide relief from TMJ pain, headaches, and even shoulder and back pain due to tight muscles and poor posture.  

If you think this all sounds too good to be true, think again.  A quick online search can easily point you in the right direction for finding the perfect professional to not only clean your teeth, but to enhance every aspect of your face in the same office.  

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