

Numerous Americans will end up breaking or losing a tooth at some point in their lives. It can be scary to see a piece of a tooth fall out into your hand, but there is no need to worry.

Dentists have several viable options for making your smile look as good as new. When you schedule a consultation, you will have questions regarding the pros and cons of a dental bridge vs. implant. Your dentist can walk you through each option in more detail and recommend the best one for your case.


What are the Benefits of a Dental Bridge?

There are several variations of dental bridges you can receive. A traditional bridge is the most common, and it is created by a dentist making crowns for the affected tooth as well as the teeth on either side of it. You can also receive a cantilever bridge. This type of bridge is recommended when a missing tooth only has one adjacent molar to support the structure.

One major benefit of dental bridges is that they do not require surgery. You can have your restoration installed in just a couple of appointments and not feel much pain. It is also much faster to get your restoration completed, with most patients finding they have their permanent bridge in a matter of weeks. Finally, bridges are affordable while still offering plenty of support for your mouth.


What are the Benefits of a Dental Implant?

Dental implants also have a couple of different varieties. You can receive subperiosteal implants, which is where a metal frame becomes fitted onto your jawbone directly underneath the gum tissue. The frame will attach itself to the jawbone as the gum tissue heals itself, and later, the artificial tooth can be attached to this post. You also have endosteal implants where the tooth is directly placed into the jawbone over the course of surgery. For this one, you will need to schedule a second surgery after the tissue has healed to mount the artificial tooth.

Once you have a dental implant placed in your mouth, it will require very little maintenance. You simply need to floss and brush like you always have, and it can last a lifetime. Dental implants are among the most natural-looking restorations with many benefits to them, as they feel, look, and function like a normal tooth. Implants are also great for protecting your jawbone. This bone tissue can deteriorate without sufficient stimulation, and with a post inserted into the jawbone, it receives all the stimulation it needs to remain strong.


Which Procedure is Best for You?

Each restoration has its pros and cons. Dental implants last a much longer time while you will need to replace bridges after about seven years. However, dental bridges are usually covered by insurance, while implants are rarer to find coverage. You have to decide how much money you are willing to spend and how much maintenance you want to do on your restoration once it is fitted.

If you are having trouble weighing the pros and cons, then talk to your dentist. A professional can assess your situation and provide you with a professional recommendation on which route to take. No restoration is inherently better than the other. You just need to consider what works best for you at the time so that you can make the best decision regarding your oral health.


Visit Tribeca Dental Care Today!

Whether you end up wanting either a bridge or implant, you can schedule an appointment with the professionals at Tribeca Dental Care. Contact us online today, or give us a call to request an appointment. Whether you are a first-time patient or a long-time guest, we want to help you attain the best dental health possible.

Image Credit: Shutterstock By Jelena Trifunovic

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